Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather one of value"

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather one of value"  Albert Einstein

In other words concentrate on the value of being valuable, rather than being successful.  Sometimes success goes to our heads and we become difficult people to be around.  But, to be a person of value is to be influential, useful to others so that they may benefit from you.

To be a person of value is for others to derive meaning from what you offer.  Money does not mean you are a valuable person, it just means you have money.  It's what you do constructively with your money that benefits others.  Such as donating to your favorite charity makes you a valuable contributor in life.  If you donate to food banks you are a worthy contributor.  A smile to a stranger is a worthy contribution, it may be the best thing they received in a long time.  A valuable person is one who makes a difference in others lives for their good.

A valuable person contributes anything they can to help others, you are a valuable person to someone, never forget that.  To give your attention to someone who needs it is a valuable thing to do for them, which makes you valuable.

If you regard yourself as valuable than you're right, if you regard yourself as not valuable to anyone than you're mistaken, because just sharing your voice with others is a major valuable contribution, because there's always someone less fortunate than you are and your words may comfort them providing your words speak truth and are not of a false nature.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather one of value"

Some men of success are braggarts and boast their achievements, while friendships, jobs, decline.

A person of value silently knows of his achievements and prospers others through them.

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